Mathias Mikkelsen
Published October 22, 2010

New website and focus on writing

I really want to become a better writer.

I want to write great, insightful articles. I want to comment on things that interest me, like amazing user interfaces, beautifully crafted experiences, new technology, business, web applications, Apple Inc and many others. I love to create, and to learn new amazingly cool stuff. I love details and I really enjoy people which go to great length about small topics. I appreciate the amazing work others do, and I hope to showcase lots of what people create and write.

I also want to share knowledge. Knowledge that I acquire from my own experiences creating two web applications, Timely (with a friend) and Coact (via my current employer), and knowledge that I acquire from other people.

This wont be a typical blog, it will probably fit somewhere between Twitter and a traditional blog. I like to look at it as a stream of things I enjoy.

I’ve removed everything from the previous site, including my portfolio and contact-page. I plan to add these things later on in time, but right now I want a site with only one goal; extremely satisfying to read. I think I’ve come pretty close. Smaller things like search, archive, etc will be added as I move forward. Comments are also disabled, but you’re welcome to send them to my twitter-account or via email.

Thanks for listening.